Cestar High School complies with the requirements of Ontario Education, continues to close the campus until April 23th, and converts all the courses to online format.
We are committed to keeping you informed during the COVID-19 outbreak. This memo serves as notification that the Government of Ontario’s order of March 17, 2020 to close all private schools as defined in the Education Act, including First Nation/federally funded schools, will remain in place until April 23, 2020, at which point it may be reassessed and considered for extension.
In addition, the Government of Ontario’s order of March 31, 2020, to close all places of non-essential business has also been extended to April 23, 2020. Private schools andFirst Nation/federally funded schools are not listed as essential businesses under this order. However, subsection 1(3) of the order permits providing services online, by telephone or other remote means.
Private schools and First Nation/federally funded schools with specific questions about the applicability of the order to their operations or circumstances should consult with their legal counsel. Where access is considered, schools should discuss with their local public health unit regarding doing so in such a way that will minimize increased chance of exposure and comply with physical distancing and self-isolation requirements.
We recognize that you will have many additional questions and we are committed to providing additional information on an ongoing basis.
For questions related to private schools, please contact fsb.psie@ontario.ca.
For questions related to First Nation/federally funded schools, please contact IEO@ontario.ca.
Please visit Ontario’s website at ontario.ca/coronavirus to learn more about how the province continues to protect Ontarians from COVID-19.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to Ontario students and children.
Jeff Butler
Assistant Deputy Minister